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CHC’s Director of Advancement Bill Gray and Castilleja students.

Castilleja School’s Dance Performance Workshop Raises Critical Funds for TMHI!

On February 10, 2017 CHC participated in Castilleja School’s Dance Performance Workshop “Arts with a Heart”—an annual dance and art showcase. This year’s theme was “Head, Heart, Humanity, erasing the stigma of mental illness” and featured 120 performers grades 6-12 who shined a light on the creative potential of all people, especially those who suffer from mental illness.

CHC was honored to be part of this event and the beneficiary of the proceeds from this unique and inspiring fundraiser.

Castilleja’s Arts with a Heart program raised $23,000 for CHC’s Teen Mental Health Initiative.

We owe a huge thanks to Dance Program Director Georgianna Shea and all of the talented young artists and performers who brought this show to life and used their art to raise awareness.

[Pictured above: CHC’s Director of Advancement Bill Gray and Castilleja students. ]