Not sure what to expect?

Not to worry. Reaching out for an appointment is the first step (and it’s a big one). We want to understand your child or teen and what’s going on. So, on your first visit, we’ll ask for information on all aspects of their life, including family, school, peers, developmental history and more. We’ll ask about the issues that led you to CHC, what you’ve tried and where things currently stand. At the end of the visit, your specialist will advise you on next steps, which may include one of our services, recommendations for home or school or simple reassurance that you’re already on the right track.

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Our specialists are here to support you and your family with safe teletherapy appointments.

FAQs about visiting CHC:

What ages do you see?

We treat clients from birth to age 25.

Do you schedule sessions on the weekend?

Our clinic is open on weekdays for onsite and virtual appointments.

Can my child join a telehealth session while on vacation?

You or your child may join telehealth sessions from anywhere within the state of California! However, if you are out of the state or country, licensure regulations do not permit us to provide clinical services to you. Anyone joining the teletherapy session must be located within the state of California at the time of the appointment.

Do you provide court-mandated treatment?

Do you provide court-mandated treatment, reunification therapy, or child custody evaluations?

Please visit Family Court Services Programs in your county to find your local providers. If you are located in Santa Clara County, please visit Family Court Services. You can also visit the American Board of Forensic Psychology to search for a specialist within your area.

How to prepare for your first visit:

What to collect for your first appointment

Collect prior assessments and available records – any prior evaluation reports, progress reports, discharge summaries from therapy, school documents (report cards, progress notes from teachers, examples of work), school district evaluation reports, IEP documents, relevant medical information and anything else you think would be pertinent.

Gather input from additional people in your child’s life (such as teachers, coaches, therapists, educational specialists, clinical treatment providers) about your child’s functioning. This could be informal (a brief chat) or by requesting a meeting or written note.

Empower yourself

Consider individual therapy for yourself as a parent/caregiver; overwhelmed parents may find support and help in therapy. As a parent, you may be the agent of change for your family and you need a safe space to process, too.

Join a parent support group

Join a support group for families facing similar issues. Knowing you are not alone makes a huge difference. Plus, you’ll learn tips from other parents and caregivers who are on the journey alongside you. CHC offers groups for parents of children and teens with ADHD, Learning Differences or Anxiety. Learn more about CHC’s groups here.

I was placed on an interest list. What can I expect?

If we do not have current availability for the service you are requesting, you can choose to be placed on our interest list to be contacted when we have openings in the future. Connecting you and your child to care as soon as possible is our priority, so we will also provide you with referrals to other trusted agencies and providers in the area.

While you’re on the interest list, learn everything you can!

Learn everything you can

The CHC Resource Library offers online, anytime access to the best resources about learning differences, ADHD, autism, anxiety and depression. Visit the Resource Library and gain greater insight to your child’s thought processes, emotions and behavior. Recordings of Community Ed sessions are posted here, as well.

Please also check out our CHC Voices of Compassion Podcast for insights, inspiration and creative conversation about mental health, education and parenting.

How to prepare your child for the first visit:

Kid-friendly language to prepare your child

We have an appointment to find out how you learn, what your strengths are, and what might be getting in the way of…

We are going to see a therapist/counselor/support person so you can have a safe and special place where you can talk about your worries and your feelings.

We are going to meet with an adult you can talk to that’s not us because we realize that you might not feel comfortable or want to talk about some things with us.

We are going to therapy because _______ happened in our family.

Resources you can share with your child or teen

Understanding costs:

Do you accept insurance?

No. CHC is considered an out-of-network provider by all insurance plans for outpatient services. CHC provides a monthly superbill so that you can work with your insurance provider to see reimbursement. While our office does not have formal contracts with private health insurance companies and our services are self-pay, we offer a generous financial assistance program and encourage families to apply via our two-page application. CHC never wants finances to be a barrier to accessing the best-in-class care your family deserves.

To assist you with receiving reimbursement from your insurance provider for CHC services, we created this Out-of-Network Insurance Reimbursement Guide (PDF).

The RISE IOP has been successful in establishing a Single Case Agreement (SCA) with many insurance providers. If you’re eligible for RISE, you will be connected with a CHC staff person who is responsible for establishing SCAs.

Apply for financial assistance

At CHC, it is very important to us that your family receives needed services. If you are worried about costs, please consider applying for financial aid. We are grateful to many generous donors who support CHC and we are proud to pass that support on to you.

You Care Coordinator can help you with the application process at any time – whether you’re waiting for your first appointment, or had a change in your family’s situation, or are adding/changing services – we are here for you. Download the application form.


Save time by downloading and completing your forms in advance.


Contact a Care Coordinator today and schedule and appointment. They will listen to your concerns and match you with the best specialist for your child.


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Can’t wait until your appointment? Please refer to these 24/7 crisis lines for immediate help.

My heart literally goes out to everyone who is visiting CHC for the first time. I’ve been there, and I want you to know there is hope.
— CHC Parent