Services at Your Location
For schools, nonprofit organizations and corporations, we offer the convenience of bringing our services to your site.
Some services are available at no cost, while others require a fee:
Screenings help parents identify problems early with their young child. For groups of children, we offer speech screenings and handwriting and fine motor screenings free of charge.
Staff training
Children’s Health Council specialists provide trainings to help your staff better manage challenging situations. Customizable on request.
Staff coaching
Our coaching helps teachers and administrators work more effectively with children and teens who have behavioral issues that absorb classroom time and impede learning. Coaching includes observing teachers and students in the classroom and providing feedback for the teacher.
Customizable programs for school initiatives
We partner with administration and staff to develop and implement school programs that address school-wide issues such as bullying, academics and stress, balancing Internet and media use with homework and more.
Services for parents and children at your site
We offer therapeutic services and specialized tutoring at your location for the convenience of parents and children. Contact