Executive Functioning

What Every Parent Should Know About Working Memory

workingmemory332Think about the series of commands you might give your child on a school night: “It’s time for bed! Put away your toys, change into your PJs, and brush your teeth!” Maybe your child put away his toys and got into his PJs, but forgot to brush his teeth. If your child frequently loses track of tasks like these, it’s possible he may struggle with working memory. Read more ›

Helping Kids with Executive Functioning Issues Manage Behavior330

Helping Kids with Executive Functioning Issues Manage Behavior [presentation] [video]

An important aspect of developing Executive Functioning (EF) skills is the ability to manage oneself and one’s behavior.

This session covers EF and the relationship of the mind and body in developing self-awareness. Learn strategies to increase self-monitoring and self-regulation in kids with EF challenges. Read more ›


Working Memory Boosters

workingmemory328Does your child have a hard time keeping one bit of information in mind while he’s doing something else? For example, if he’s helping make spaghetti and the phone rings, does he forget he needs to go back and keep stirring the sauce? If he often has trouble with such tasks, he might have working memory issues. Read more ›

Interactive Panel- Growing Up with Learning & Attention Issues277

Interactive Panel: Growing Up with Learning & Attention Issues [video]

A panel of adults who grew up with learning and attention differences and have become successful in their work share their perspectives about who and what made a difference for them and how they found their ‘niche’ in work and life. Read more ›

Technology to Support Executive Functioning [downloadable]

Executive functioning skills, which involve working memory, flexible thinking and self-monitoring, are key to learning. Read more ›

Building Executive Functioning Skills261

Building Executive Functioning Skills [presentation] [downloadable]

This session on Executive Functioning skills was presented by  Ali Meyers, Co-Director of Meyers Learning Center. Learn strategies for building these critical, developing capacities in everyday ways. Read more ›


ADDitude: Inside the ADHD Mind [web resource]

ADDitudeimage255ADDitude magazine is a quarterly publication about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It contains feature and service articles about ADD, ADHD and learning disabilities like dyslexia. The ADDitude website offers an array of complementary content and resources for parents, educators, and clinicians. Read more ›

Parenting Strategies for Supporting Children and Teens with ADHD254

Practical, Research-Based Parenting Strategies for Supporting Children and Teens with ADHD [presentation] [video]

For many parents, ADHD is a diagnosis fraught with stigma and confusion, leaving parents wondering how best to advocate for and intervene with their child or teen.  Develop a roadmap for supporting children and teens who have difficulties with attention and behavior, utilizing their strengths and building skills for the future, and gain practical strategies for managing symptoms both at home and at school as well as guidelines for when and how to seek additional support. Read more ›


Age Appropriate Executive Functioning Skills & Strategies to Build Persistence [downloadable]

ExecFunction251Simply put, executive functioning skills are the set of mental skills that we use to plan, organize and complete tasks. These skills develop over time and at different rates in individual children. Persistence, or grit refers to how a child perseveres in the face of a challenge.

How do you know if your child or teen has executive functioning issues? Do they possess the skills to see a task through to completion? Read more ›


Just Another Manic Morning

executivefunctioning241Like a lot of children with learning issues, my son doesn’t leap out of bed eager to get ready for school. Our morning routine had always been rushed and manic.

Sometimes I’d spend the whole morning just trying to get him dressed. That left only a minute or two to throw him some toast in the backseat of the car for breakfast. And forget about my getting to work on time. Read more ›

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