Resources Tagged With: medication

Treating and Dealing with ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is a condition that often begins between ages 3 and 6, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. And it’s not just a childhood disease. ADHD may continue through the teenage years and into adulthood. Read more ›

Community Education

To Medicate or Not [presentation]

How is ADHD treated? Are there treatment options that do not involve medication? This presentation by Dr. Glen Elliott covers the current approaches to treating ADHD, a model for working with a prescribing doctor, and common patterns and problems parents encounter. Read more ›


ADHD Treatment Beyond Medication

Written by Vivien Keil, PhD, Neuropsychologist and Clinical Director

/resourcelibrary/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Adhdmedication202.jpgWhat would a non-drug treatment plan for ADHD consist of? A good plan will vary based on the biggest challenges your child is facing. But even the best plan will only be as effective as its implementation. Read more ›

Does My Child Need ADHD Medication?

Written by Glen Elliott, PhD, MD
Chief Psychiatrist and Medical Director

My son was recently diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He’s seven-years-old and often has trouble focusing in class. It seems like he’s getting in trouble every day, either for being disruptive or for distracting the other kids. Read more ›