Mental Health & Wellness

How Facing Big Feelings Can Help Build Mental Health

In this podcast from the UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent, host Ron Dahl talks with psychologist and bestselling author Lisa Damour as well as Zach Gottlieb and Makayla Dawkins about how strong emotions during adolescence–good and bad–can be opportunities for youth to build positive coping strategies that can help them thrive as adults. Read more ›

Helping Teenagers Cope with Grief

Each year thousands of teenagers experience the death of someone they love. When a parent, sibling, friend or relative dies, teens feel the overwhelming loss of someone who helped shape their self-identities. And these feelings about the death become a part of their lives forever. Read more ›

How to Help a Grieving Teen

In our work with teenagers, we’ve learned that teens respond better to adults who choose to be companions on the grief journey rather than direct it. We have also discovered that adult companions need to be aware of their own grief issues and journeys because their experiences and beliefs impact the way they relate to teens. Read more ›

Helping Teens With Grief

You may feel unsure of how to support a teen who is grieving. Here are some ideas that may help. Read more ›

Navigating Divorce with Your Children

Conflict within relationships is natural. What happens when this conflict occurs within a family and ends up in separation or divorce? Join us as we explore effective communication strategies with children during this challenging time, emphasizing the importance of fostering open dialogue and understanding and offer insights into how to create a supportive environment for children to express their emotions. Read more ›

Teen Mental Health: Resources for Parents & Caregivers

Adolescence is a time of significant change and growth, marked by unique emotional, social, and psychological challenges.  As a parent or caregiver, you can play a vital role in nurturing your teen’s mental wellness. Read more ›

Resources for Talking to Young People About Mental Health and Suicide

As a parent or caregiver, you play a pivotal role in your teen’s life—not just in providing care and support but also in guiding them through difficult conversations and emotional challenges. Talking about suicide openly and compassionately can help break down the stigma surrounding mental health issues, encouraging teens to share their feelings and seek help when they need it. Read more ›

Teaching Positive Psychology Skills at School May Be One Way to Help Student Mental Health and Happiness

Youth mental health has worsened significantly over the past decade, but new interventions that teach positive psychology concepts in school may help. Read more ›

Could Negative Thinking Patterns Be Bringing You Down? Recognizing Cognitive Distortions Is the First Step to Overcoming Them.

It is common to experience negative thoughts day to day, but when these thought patterns, also known as cognitive distortions, are persistent, they can interfere with your daily life and contribute to mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Read more ›

Four Ways to Cope With Existential Dread

Instagram, TikTok, Facebook—no matter where we go on social media, we’re inundated with someone else’s accomplishments.

While you’re scrolling through those highly-curated feeds, I can guess that (at least once) your stomach has turned with dread. After your stomach quelled itself, thoughts of uncertainty about your own life likely started popping up. That stomach drop sensation and uncertainty about the life ahead is what’s known in therapy-speak as existential dread. Read more ›

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