SLC Home Feb 2024
Schwab Learning Center at CHC

You. Empowered. High School & beyond.

Sign up today for support online or at our learning center in Palo Alto.

Schwab Learning Center logo with photo of a female student smiling
Schwab Learning Center at CHC

You. Empowered. High School & beyond.

Sign up today for support online or at our learning center in Palo Alto.

Schwab Learning Center logo with photo of a female student smiling

Understand your learning and attention challenges with a dedicated expert and create a personalized toolkit with solutions designed to maximize your potential.

student studying on his bed with resources in the background

Concerned you may have a learning difference that warrants accommodations at school or at work? Get to the bottom of things with an evaluation.

Photo of a woman smiling and holding an electronic device

Executive functioning classes sharing invaluable strategies and insights to empower your teen with learning and attention differences.

Workshops designed to help parents and students boost their skills and prepare for successful academic transitions.

Students laughing at the Schwab Learning Center

Virtual information sessions where you can learn more about the services and support offered by the Schwab Learning Center at CHC.

Information about evaluations and learning specialist services for Stanford students.

Feel Connection. Discover Strengths. Set Personal Goals. Gain Confidence

Get started today.

Register for support with a learning specialist at the Schwab Learning Center at CHC.

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Just having someone to validate and affirm my experiences as someone struggling with my ADHD was incredible.

Just having someone to validate and affirm my experiences as someone struggling with my ADHD was incredible. This commitment and genuine care was so appreciated and made me feel welcome, seen, and validated.

Schwab Learning Center at CHC student learning differences can be quite challenging in an elite environment such as Stanford.

I really enjoyed working with my learning specialist and SLC was one of the few spaces I felt I could talk about the fact I learn a little differently. In a way, it was really therapeutic as my learning differences can be quite challenging in an elite environment such as Stanford. Much appreciated for all the work you do!

Schwab Learning Center at CHC student

It has really changed my life and had a very positive impact on me.

I didn't grow up with knowledge about learning differences, so this is really important to me. A lot of my life I had struggled with my learning but I was diagnosed as an undergrad ... It has really changed my life and had a very positive impact on me. What you guys do in terms of helping people understand how they learn and make it okay to learn differently is something everyone should be able to experience.

Schwab Learning Center at CHC student


The Schwab Learning Center is located at CHC Palo Alto.

CHC Palo Alto

650 Clark Way
Palo Alto, CA 94304


Alternative Transportation