There’s nothing shameful about having attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) — or at least there shouldn’t be. But in our society, people who have the disorder are somehow seen as “defective,” which is clearly untrue.
Can this stigma be avoided? How can children and adults with ADHD avoid being the victims of ridicule, contempt, or discrimination?
ADDitude Magazine interviews Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D., the author of The Mark of Shame: Stigma of Mental Illness and an Agenda for Change (Oxford). Dr. Hinshaw, who chairs the psychology department at the University of California, Berkeley, has done pioneering research on ADHD and the ways it affects children and adolescents.
People with ADHD tend to have trouble seeing themselves realistically, and the desire to avoid discrimination makes it even harder.
Why does ADHD carry a stigma?
Despite evidence to the contrary, many people still don’t believe that ADHD is a bona fide medical condition. They see it as an excuse for sloppiness or laziness. The fact that ADHD symptoms appear to come and go, depending on the situation, only feeds the doubters’ contempt.
Another factor is the widespread negative feeling about the use of psychiatric drugs. In recent years, there’s been a surge in the number of people taking ADHD medication. Some wonder if this increase is justified.
Finally, the fact that ADHD can undermine academic performance worsens the stigma. Our society seems to think, “If your grades are poor, you’re not worth much.”

What harm does ADHD stigmatization cause?
There are obvious things, like social problems and workplace discrimination. But the greatest harm often comes from self-stigmatization — that is, when people with ADHD internalize negative stereotypes.
The flip side of self-stigmatization is denial. You consider the stereotypes of ADHD and think, “That’s not me.” You want nothing to do with such a shameful identity.
People with ADHD tend to have trouble seeing themselves realistically, and the desire to avoid discrimination makes it even harder.

Who is affected most by stigmatization?
Since ADHD is commonly thought of as a childhood disorder, adults who have it, or claim to have it, come under suspicion. The thinking seems to be, “Either you made it up to compensate for the failures in your life, or there’s something very wrong with you.”
What should you do if you hear a hurtful comment about ADHD?
A firm, but gentle, discussion with the person making the remark goes a long way toward raising awareness.
“I have ADHD,” you might say, “and it’s just as real as other medical conditions.” Or you might say, “I work hard, and I bet that you have no idea how demoralizing it is to hear a comment like that.”
What else can people with ADHD do to counteract the effects of stereotyping?
The more aware you are of stereotyping, the easier it is to recognize when it is affecting you.
Of course, it’s also important to recognize that negative feedback about oneself is occasionally valid — and valuable. If you believe that all criticism leveled at you is the result of stereotyping, you’ll be less motivated to seek appropriate treatment.
If you’re not already involved with advocacy groups, like CHADD and ADDA, consider getting involved. Or contact your elected representatives to ask them to consider needed policy changes, such as parity. This means putting insurance coverage for mental health problems, like ADHD, on an equal footing with coverage for physical illnesses.

Along with its challenges, ADHD also brings some unique advantages. Check out our podcast in which CHC experts discuss the strengths of ADHD how understanding those strengths can transform the way we think about ADHD.
How or when should you reveal a diagnosis of ADHD?
It’s a dilemma. If you conceal the fact that you have ADHD, you avoid the ADHD label and the discrimination that can lead to. However, you risk a kind of indirect discrimination. People who notice you being disorganized, impulsive, or forgetful might assume that you are simply rude or lazy.
When is the right time to talk to your boss about your ADHD? When to tell a new friend? It’s a judgment call, and timing is crucial. If your employer has a reputation of being good about providing accommodations, for example, you might broach the subject. Otherwise, it might be better to keep it quiet, at least until you get established in your job. Advice from a therapist or consultant can be helpful.
Excerpted from “Coping With the Stigma of ADHD” in ADDitude Magazine. Read the full article online.
Source: ADDitude Magazine | Coping With the Stigma of ADHD, https://www.additudemag.com/overcoming-adhd-stigma | Copyright © 1998 – 2024 WebMD LLC. Retrieved December 2024.