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CHC Outreach Team Update

CHC Outreach Team Update

As part of CHC’s new Community Education & Engagement division, we have formed an Outreach Team made up of informed and dedicated volunteers who are running support groups for parents of kids with ADHD and Anxiety and Mood Disorders, and engaging with schools and organizations to better serve the unique needs of children and teens in our community and help inform the community about CHC programs and services.

Lauren Sims, Outreach Team Chair, is a parent and longtime CHC volunteer and helped spearhead this committee as a way to increase awareness of learning differences, ADHD, and anxiety among kids.

“So many of my friends were coming to me with questions about how they could help their kids, and it made me realize that we need a better network of support for parents who have children who may have a developmental, learning, behavioral or emotional issue. As a parent sometimes you just need to talk to another parent who understands what you are going through.”